Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A couple months later

So...a couple of months after a round of shots and removal of some fluid from my joints and I'm no better off than before the shots.  Unfortunately, I only received about 14 days of total pain free from those two rounds of shots.  I know I'm only complaining about pain...it's not cancer, it's not going to kill me, but cancer is something that others are working on eradicating..and people aren't working on getting rid of pain....so it's disheartening. 

There are now days that I can barely get out of bed because of the pain.  Unfortunately, I sleep with a hydrocodone pill on my nightstand so that I can take it to get out of bed.  Sitting down hurts, standing up hurts, moving around hurts...so, as probably with you, since you are here, you hurt all the time.  Although I am still taking pills for the pain in my lower back, the pain that is killing me at night is the pain in my neck, but sleeping to keep the pain down in my neck makes the pain in my lower back worse, so I get the worst of both worlds.  

My doctor has given me videos of exercises to do to strengthen my back, but after a year and a half of doing these, I haven't been able to lift more than 2 pounds while doing this or the pain is so intense that 6 pills a day does nothing for me.  

I'm going to write more tomorrow.

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